Monday, March 31, 2014

Rules and Blocks

This week has been one of the more difficult weeks as far as breaking the rules go. Basically I don't have a problem with all the mission rules, its just when I have to explain to other people the rules and they don't understand. For example, Walter Marchbanks a less active member we met earlier this week. He is pretty old and he is very well off, we went over to his mansion on Saturday to help him with some yard work and talk with him for a little bit. He told me that he looked me up and also read a lot about my sister, and she is playing uconn at 1:30, why don't we go out to lunch in Moor Park and then we can come back and watch the game. I then had to explain to him that, No, I can't go to lunch out of my area, and No I can't watch TV(even though I really want to). So after some arguing he finally agreed to just feed us some lunch here at his house. So we are eating lunch then all of the sudden he turns on his giant TV to ESPN and says: "Hey look they're talking about your sister." So we finished lunch quickly and watched some Highlights from the previous games (SOME SWEET BLOCKS FROM JENNIFER HAMSON!) But we had to leave I couldn't justify watching for more than a couple minutes. So ya, members can make it hard to follow the rules some times.
As far as the work goes we had some great lessons. One of them was with Scott who is an interesting fellow. He is a talker, he enjoys talking and is open to listening to us. But he talks 80% of the time, so when we teach him its difficult. We teach him a little portion of the lesson and it reminds him of something then he just rambles until either he's done or we just interrupt him. So our lessons are going to be really long or we'll just have a lot of lessons. I also bore my testimony on Sunday, because some of our fast and testimony meetings get a little dull. I told a funny story and it livened things up a little bit. Overall a good week
It's an exciting week next week we have General Conference and transfers are next week. I am like a dinosaur here in this area, and it would be pretty crazy if I stayed again. I love it here, but also I am ready and excited to move on (knock on wood).
I love you all and don't have too much fun with out me.

The Top of the Hill:

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