Saturday, September 7, 2013

He left us!

On Tuesday evening, August 27th, President Trent, our stake president, came to our home to set Alan apart as a missionary.  He gave Alan a very nice blessing and we enjoyed the Spirit in our home.  That night, really early the next morning, Tresa, Heather and I all got sick.  As we got up the next morning, we were tired and worried about Alan, but he seemed fine.  We finished packing him up and then loaded the family into the van to go to lunch and then to drop him off at the MTC.  We went to Zupas for lunch, since that was all some of were able to stomach, and enjoyed a lunch with all seven of us.  We saw four other missionaries with their families there also.  We had a few extra minutes before we were to drop Alan off, so we walked on the Provo Temple grounds across the street from the MTC.

1pm came and we headed to the MTC.  We arrived at the gate and they gave us a blue sticker (for an Elder) and sent us to the left.  Along the curb were numbered spots and we were directed to 12.  As we emerged from the van, an Elder with Host tag greeted Alan. He told him to hug his family and follow him.  As the Elder and I unloaded luggage, Alan said his goodbyes and then off they went.  It happened really quickly and then we drove off.

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